Just found this (again), worth to read .. hehehe.. These are reason(s) why you should marry a doctor.. I forgot where I got this on the first place. Just check it out..
They have the tool.(Stetoscopes). They can give you the gift of "missing them" because they are always at work. They can give you a free medical consultation (Everyone's favourite?). You save yourself the embarrassment of going to a doctor with an infection. They are smart, it's not easy to finish the 4 years in college and 2-3 years intern you see, hahaaa..They know their anatomy well, they know what works and where. They are wild party people in the weekends, Oh yeah!!). "Let's play doctor!". They are well trained to listen. They know how you feel, or at least pretend to. They always have a strange new story to tell. They offer you a tissue when you feel like crying, it is a reflex action. They can stay up all night if you want them to, they are used to on-calls stand by. They can guide you in the gym, that's where anatomy comes into play. Money! They work long hours for it. Free medical samples. They are unshockable. They know what you want to hear and say it. They always dress nice, it's a dress code for them, you see. They are trained in breaking bad news in a nice way. They agree to whatever you say coz they cannot be bothered to argue. They are faithful! (not easy to find someone so they might as well hold on to what they have..but, Errr…really??). They have a short attention span! (you can get away with almost anything). They double as DIY experts!! They can control their facial expression, so they will always be pleasant infront of the in-laws!! They have access to gloves!! and have expertise in washing any stain out!! They come in handy when you need a mobile task organiser. They are trained to follow instructions with flawless accuracy!! They usually can't express emotions so u end up with presents instead! They are open to expirementation as long as you can provide evidence to support the new technique!!
now, you know you are a doctor if:
1. You wake up at 6am on a weekend although you don't have work.
2. A sound of a van reversing with a beep makes you look for a phone number.
3. You feel there is something wrong if you don't have an exam coming up.
4. Can’t relax
5. Can wiz through a 300 page book in a day
6. Are sexually charged for no reason you can pinpoint!!
7. Watch scrubs and laugh at yourself.
8. Use the phrase "I am a doctor" to get away with something.
9. You are always tiered.
10. When you keep on asking for stuff that doesn't get done.
11. When you write more than a thousand words a day.
12. When you have no privacy.
13. When you look at a naked person on the beach and the first thing you notice is their appendectomy scar.
14. If you thought you have a disease you are studying about.
15. if you feel like your over worked and under paid.
16. If people call you doctor.
17. You find yourself always carrying a pen even if you're on a night out.
18. When you forget to have a haircut.
19. cannula please!!!!
20. Are expected to be in two places at the same time.
21. Are expected to know everything.
22. Are called in the middle of the night to sign a piece of paper.
23. Are dragged to the end of the world to talk to someone.
24. Are expected to smile everyday.
25. Don't understand what people mean when they talk about the "hospital smell".
26. When you can see someone's guts and think about food.
27. When you are not disgusted by the previous sentence.
28. If you can't remember what you ate they day before! but still manage to remember the blood results of every single patient you have.
29. You are always thinking about the next job.
30. Are reading this sentence!!!
31. You think green is a cool color to wear!!
32. You can sleep ( on command) on any surface, at any hour of the day!!
33. Can't spell.
34.when you find yourself dragged into a competition like a fly to a glowing light.
35.you are as mature about losing as a baby! although you hide it really well!!
36. are still reading this!! goddamn!!
37. you know how to make a very drunk person wake up in two moves or less.
38. have no sense of time, place, or matter!
39. are anal!
40. you always have something to complain about!!!
Am I suitable for those list.. let's see..
oh, I think I kinda am..
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa Hari Raya Idul adha selalu special buat saya..
Yang pertama adalah,, saya suka melakukan rutinitas hari raya, shalat sama – sama ke masjid, bersilaturahmi, ngeliatin penyembelihan hewan qurban,,makan sama – sama dll. Lalu malam idul adha juga berarti ulang tahun bagi saya, karena saya lahir tanggal 9 Dzulhijjah..sehari sebelum hari raya. Hahaha…
Dan lagi my current BF’s name is ADHA..
Cukuplah ya ..
Tapi tahun ini saya menjalani hari raya ini dengan berbeda,, karena saya lagi kepaniteraan klinik di SLAWI,,jauh dari rumah..huwhuwhuw.
Rencana-nya memang saya nggak pulang, dan menghabiskan liburan sehari itu sama anak – anak kosan, ditambah lagi pas libur itu ternyata konsulen saya minta ketemu buat bahas isi referat saya..Tapi ternyata ada urusan mendadak yang menyebabkan saya harus pulang ke Jakarta pada dua hari sebelum hari raya,,Jadi-lah saya mengejar Cirebon express pada sore hari..tiba di Gambir pada malam hari-nya di jemput Nichan..
But another surprise awaiting,, My dearest Uncle PASSED away.. menyebabkan saya yang baru saja tiba di Jakarta menyusul keluarga ke RSUP Fatmawati, tempat pakde saya itu tadi-nya di rawat..sampai rumah baru jam tiga pagi, padahal besok nya ada urusan yang harus di urus jam 7 pagi..
Ya..tidur sebentar, lalu bangun, dan menyelesaikan ini-itu,,langsung cabut lagi sore hari-nya ke stasiun Gambir untuk kembali ke Slawi.. Tapi sialnya, TIKETNYA HABIS karena malam hari raya rupanya banyak yang mau bepergian. Karena saya harus pulang malam itu juga, jadilah saya ke terminal Grogol, nyari Bis.. Alhamdulillah dapet tempat,,walaupun bis-nya DINGIIIN banget,,dan saya yang masih berpakaian dan bersepatu ala corporate look ini tidak membawa jaket..
Ternyata saudara – saudara, kalau naik bis itu gak kayak naik kereta (oh btw, this is my first time taking bus out of town), yang jalannya lempeng gak pakai macet. Waktu tempuh dengan Cirebon express yang biasanya cuma 5 jam, kalau pakai bis butuh waktu 12 jam, sebelum saya sampai Slawi.. DEAR GOD…rasanya seperti zombie pas turun dari bis, naik becak buat ke kosan..dan sial-nya pas nyampe kosan ternyata orang2 GAK DIRUMAH karena udah pada berangkat shalat id, sehingga saya nunggu di depan kosan sendirian merana kelaparan seperti tunawisma berpakaian kerja.
Setengah jam kemudian mereka pulang, membukakan pintu, dan … harusnya saya langsung tidur, ya..karena ngantuk banget..tapi TIDAK..rasa lapar mengalahkan rasa ngantuk saya. Langsung saja saya ngajak anak2 yang tersisa (well, karena ternyata setengah penghuni kosan pulang Jakarta karena dikasih libur sama konsulen masing – masing) buat cari makan..NGGAK TAU-NYA TUKANG MAKANAN PADA NGGAK JUALAN…huwwhuwww…
Akhirnya kita (mencoba) masak aja, dari apa saja yang tersisa di dapur kosan..ada telor..dimasak..ada mie instan berbeda rasa, dimasak,, nasi sisa semalam, di goreng, dan seterusnya..hikks
Setelah itu kita semua makan sambil main uno stacko sama – sama (bukannya nonton tivi atau main PS) karena surprisingly LISTRIKNYA MATI…hahahaa…
Mau difoto, sok2 senyum , padahal nyawa-nya udah ilang separo
Tak apa – apa, walaupun Idul adha kali ini saya jauh dari rumah, tidak shalat Id, tidak makan ketupat dan gulai kambing, dan tidak bertemu pacar (eh,, dianterin pacar dink, sampai terminal bis) ,,
Setidaknya saya disini bersama keluarga..keluarga penghuni E57 Slawi..
Untung tiket kereta abis, jadi bisa pengalaman naik bis
Untung masih kebagian tempat di bis
Untung teman - teman di kosan segera pulang
Untung masih ada sisa2 persediaan makanan instan
Untung ada Uno Stacko
Sehingga saya tetap bisa menikmati hari..
Nggak bisa kelamaan main, karena mau memenuhi janji ke rumah konsulen nanti sore-nya..
Love this day in strange and new way, love something by looking in different way..
Enjoying Life !!
This City (and its satelites) is so ah-mazing…
Since there’s no cinema, no fancy mall, no sophisticated entertainment (well, there’s karaoke booth at the city,,but still) , this city only provide culinary pleasant, and thank God the city was good at it..
Let me mention some..
What about we start from Spicy Yummy Crunchy Fried/Grilled/Gulai Duck near the resident, It only cost 9000 IDR include delicious sambal and side-veggie..and the fact that ‘ibu bebek’ sometimes gives extra tahu-tempe for regulars (like us), just make it tastes mooore delicious.Hmmmm….
Let’s take a walk about 100 meters from that delicious place, there’s this place we called ‘Ayamosaurus’ which served a giant-huge fried/grilled chicken (don’t know what, don’t know
how..do not care, go enjoy it !!) and nasi uduk..so yummy, so crunchy, so full.. hahaha.. Sometimes two persons could enjoy one portion of ayamosaurus, then full enough. this is exactly what we need, YEAH !!
Then If It turns cold or just windy outside, our favourite is ‘Samiasih’ which offers us different varieties of hot soup such as Sop balungan, Daging sapi, Ayam, etc.. It’s just too hard to describe.. I always drool at once by justthink about it..huehehhehe..
Since I was ribs-lover, there is one place we called ‘PLN’ that has one hell of a grilled-ribs ever. It’s spicy like usual flavor of satay those grilled, but the meat is crunchy as if it was fried,
yet it has soft textured as if it was well-boiled. The ribs was served with nasi bakar, which has already spicy without any side dish. Aaah…
I haven’t mention about the most famous food from the city, rite?? It must be certain satay , made from under three (or sometimes..five) months old lamb..called 'batibul'. It was usually half-grilled and served separately from its sauce, contains of sweet soya sauce with onions and garlic and chili..I have never found better taste of grilled-lamb before. So worth to try..
Finally, my most favourite of all. There’s this delicious cake, traditional cake that have a shape like dorayaki, tastes sweet and soft, best in warm.. called ‘samir’. I always buy it on my way back from morning exercise every Sunday, and I already arrange the Samir place toward my
jogging track.. every bites so fun, so warm..love it so much..
Enough for now, I think there’s still so many delicious place that haven’t been described .
Oh, Have I told you that I just have mention my fave only from Slawi kulon?
Geezz.. to write them ALL will need another pages..